Tutorial -1
By providing examples discuss how a teacher can help become life long learners?
By reading books a teacher can become a lifelong learner. Reading is a portal into other worlds and into the minds of your fellow human beings. Through reading you will never stop learning and being amazed by the incredible creativity and intelligence. Wise people read lots of books all the time. And reading will help you to learn the discoveries and mistakes of others who have gone before you. Reading is a shortcut so that you don't have to learn things the hard way. Read all sorts of books Just because you're usually a mystery fan doesn't mean you shouldn't try nonfiction now and then. Recognize the educational value in whatever you read. Nonfiction teaches about its subject. Fiction, freed from that constraint, can teach more about good writing, storytelling, vocabulary, and human nature generally. Indeed, fiction will tell you a great deal about the mores, morals, thinking and habits of the time during which it was written, and it is also said that fiction readers are more empathetic than those who avoid it because it teaches us about interacting in the social world. If a teacher reads all kinds of books then the teacher will gain lot of information and also it will improve their knowledge level.
Teach others what u learned. Teaching is a wonderful way to learn a subject better and improve your own understanding of it. Joseph Joubert once said that "To teach is to learn twice." In teaching others how to learn things, you will find that you learn even more than the students. Not only will you need to have a good grasp of your materials, you will need to respond to the querying minds of your students and extend your understanding beyond what you have considered it to be up to the point of each question asked of you.
In what ways do you think teaching has become more professional than it was in the past? Justify your answer with examples from the profession.
Increased instructional technology
Increased instructional technology
Students use computes more often today than in the past for research, writing, communicating and keeping records. Technology has created new ways for students to learn. It has also altered how teachers can teach more effectively in the class. these tools have greatly increased the amount and range of information available to students and teachers. for example if a teacher or student want to make a research project. through internet they can get any information that is related to the topic. with the internet it is now relatively easy to access up to date information on practically any subject imaginable often with pictures video clips and audio to accompany the teachers and students.
Increased professionalism of teachers
Now most of the teachers are able to access the quality of their own work compare to past. in past most of the teachers are not much educated but at present it has changed every school there are professional teachers to teach students.
Why is meta cognitive important for students?
Meta cognitive
provides students an efficient way to acquire, store, and express information
and skills For many students who have learning problems, their inability to
efficiently retrieve information previously stored in memory negatively impacts
their ability to accurately express what they know. Well-developed metacognitive
strategies aide such information retrieval for these students. It is always
interesting to analyze ones strengths and weaknesses and helping the student to
use that knowledge for improvement. Because of metacognition, all the students
could gain the confidence and become more independent as a learner. Therefore metacognition
make all the students as successful learners.
Provide an example of how the teacher can help students with zone of proximal development?
The zone of proximal development is the gap between what a learner has
already mastered (the actual level of development) and what he or she can
achieve when provided with educational support (potential development).
Teachers can recognize where he or she is within the zone of proximal
development by asking questions and recognizing the learner’s individual
learning style. Thus, the zone of proximal development enables educators and
parents to define the learner’s immediate needs and the shifting developmental
status, which allows for what has already been achieved developmentally, and
for what the learner will be able to master in the future. For example: A
student is able to perform simple addition when working with a teacher or
parent, but is frustrated when performing the task alone. By guiding the
student to use tools and strategies, and by asking questions about why he/she
is using each tool or strategy, the student is able to fortify knowledge and
eventually add independently. By understanding what children are able to
achieve alone, as well as what they are able to achieve with assistance from an
adult, educators can develop plans to teach skills in the most effective manner
possible, giving students a gradual release of responsibility to perform tasks
independently. This process is referred to as scaffolding, which is the way in
which an adult helps the child learner to move from the inability to perform a
task to being able to do so through guidance, interaction and questions.
By providing examples explain how Maslows Hierarchy of needs relates to a student's readiness?
Maslows theory distinguishes two types of needs. it is called deficit needs and being needs.deficit needs are prior to being needs can be not in the sense of happening earlier in life but in that deficit needs must be satisfied before being needs can be addressed. as pointed out deficit needs can reappear at any age depending on circumstances. among students infact thdeficit needs are likely to return chronically to those whose families lack economicsor social resources or who live with the stressess associated with poverty.deficit needs are the basic requirements of physical and emotional well being. food, clothes sleep without these nothing else matters especially self fulfilling. if the chil is not well doing in the class the teacher can ask the student why he/she is like that.for example a child from an abusive family may be getting enough to eat but may worry chronically about personal safety. in school the student may appreciate a well organized class room with rules that insures personal safety and predictability whether or not the classroom provides much in the way of real learning.
Explain why morality is concern for students at school? provide examples.
Moral development refers to changes
in moral beliefs as a person grows older and gains maturity. Mostly students
learn what is wrong or right from school and in the school they learn new
things every day. In a school there will be different behaviors of students
their ideas will be different from each other. Some of the students misbehave
in the class on the other students behave well in the class. One student
opinion might not be good for others and their beliefs will be different from
each other. So there will be concern about morality at school. There are
students who don’t care about their behaviors in school but there are rules for
them to obey in the school. Every day in their life they learn new morals and lesions.
For example: respect the elder’s decisions and obey the rules that are provided
in the school/society.
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